
I'm using wp_insert_posts to programmatically create a post but it keeps generating the same post endlessly. I'm using a custom post type called irl-today. It does generate one post if I'm using the page custom post type but does an endless generate of the post on the 'irl-today` custom post type.

Is there a way to generate a post only once? This is what I have in my functions.php:

if ( !is_admin() ) { /* Main site*/
} else { /* Admin */

if( ! get_page_by_title('Archive') ) {
$my_post  = array( 'post_title'     => 'Archive',
           'import_id'      => '1041',
           'post_type'      => 'irl-today',
           'post_name'      => 'archives',
           'post_content'   => 'All of DailyBayou publications.',
           'post_status'    => 'publish',
           'comment_status' => 'closed',
           'ping_status'    => 'closed',
           'post_author'    => 1,
           'menu_order'     => 0,
           'guid'           => site_url() . '/archives' );
$PageID = wp_insert_post( $my_post, FALSE ); // Get Post ID - FALSE to return 0 instead of wp_error.

It does generate infinity posts even if it's outside the if { } else { };

Это было полезно?


If you want to create a particular page once, then you can save an option to the database once the page has been created, then check if that value exists before attempting to recreate it. If you store the page's ID, you can also check if the post still exists and recreate it if it doesn't.

    function() {
        // Check if there's a record of the page.
        $archives_page_id = get_option( 'dailybayou_archives_page_id' );

        // If the page hasn't been created yet, or doesn't exist anymore...
        if ( ! $archives_page_id || ! get_post( $archives_page_id ) ) {
            // ...create the page.
            $archives_page_id = wp_insert_post( 
                    'post_title'     => 'Archive',
                    'import_id'      => '1041',
                    'post_type'      => 'irl-today',
                    'post_name'      => 'archives',
                    'post_content'   => 'All of DailyBayou publications.',
                    'post_status'    => 'publish',
                    'comment_status' => 'closed',
                    'ping_status'    => 'closed',

            // Save a record of the page.
            update_option( 'dailybayou_archives_page_id', $archives_page_id );
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