
hey guys. i was wandering if anyone knew how to create code so that the console is not opened, rather a formatted web page.

any suggestions will be much appreciated!


namespace Grades
    class Program
        static void Main()

            Console.WriteLine("\t\tValue Distribution\n");

            String text = File.ReadAllText(@"values.dat"); //obviously change file path again

            char[] c = text.ToCharArray(); //convert to char array

            var g = c.OrderBy(a => a); //order array

            foreach (char group in g)
                Console.WriteLine(group.ToString()); //loop, displaying ordered array
            int aCount = c.Count(a => a == 'A'); //count all 'A' instances
            int bCount = c.Count(b => b == 'B'); //count all 'B' instances
            int cCount = c.Count(cc => cc == 'C'); //count all 'C' instances
            int dCount = c.Count(d => d == 'D'); //count all 'D' instances
            int eCount = c.Count(e => e == 'E'); //count all ''E' instances
            int fCount = c.Count(f => f == 'F'); //count all 'F' instances

            Console.WriteLine("\nA = {0}", aCount);
            Console.WriteLine("B = {0}", bCount);
            Console.WriteLine("C = {0}", cCount);
            Console.WriteLine("D = {0}", dCount);
            Console.WriteLine("E = {0}", eCount);
            Console.WriteLine("F = {0}", fCount);

            //multiplying amount in each group by 2
            aCount = aCount * 2;
            bCount = bCount * 2;
            cCount = cCount * 2;
            dCount = dCount * 2;
            eCount = eCount * 2;
            fCount = fCount * 2;

            //outputs graph display
            Console.WriteLine("\n0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100");
            Console.WriteLine("|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |");

            //outputs each grade according to the multiplied amount and is therefore displayed with asteriks
            Console.Write(new String('*', aCount)); Console.Write(" A\n");
            Console.Write(new String('*', bCount)); Console.Write(" B\n");
            Console.Write(new String('*', cCount)); Console.Write(" C\n");
            Console.Write(new String('*', dCount)); Console.Write(" D\n");
            Console.Write(new String('*', eCount)); Console.Write(" E\n");
            Console.Write(new String('*', fCount)); Console.Write(" F\n");
도움이 되었습니까?


Open a a file "output.html" and write to this file, instead of your console. Obviously, you'll also want to write slightly different output, i.e. HTML markup etc. That's the solution to create a single web page from an otherwise console-style program.

If you want to create web page output on a regular basis, you should let the whole thing run in IIS and use ASP.NET such that you can automatically serve your output to a web request, and take advantage of, e.g., its HTML templating functions.

I know that's very general, but maybe it's a starting point from which you can either explore further or specify your problem!

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