
how can I get the lines which are have selected text in them? For example: alt text

The selected lines would be 1, 2,3 and 4 (0 being the first line)

How can I get to code like:

For Each line as string(or integer) in textbox1."SelectedLines"
  'Do something here for each line


도움이 되었습니까?


Taking you literally, you need to find the line numbers, even though only parts of line 1 and 4 are selected. Do that as follows:

    If RichTextBox1.SelectionLength > 0 Then
        Dim firstLine As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(RichTextBox1.SelectionStart)
        Dim lastLine As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(RichTextBox1.SelectionStart + RichTextBox1.SelectionLength)
        For line As Integer = firstLine To lastLine
            Dim txt = RichTextBox1.Lines(line)
            ' do something...
    End If

다른 팁

I think you're looking for the SelectedText property. (in C#)

foreach(string line in textBox1.SelectedText.Split(new string[] {Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

(in my attempt at VB)

   Dim splitter(1) As String
   splitter(0) = Environment.NewLine
    For Each y As String In TextBox1.SelectedText.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
         //do stuff here
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