Small and good scala projects to learn scala — especially functional programming and type system [closed]



I've studied scala for several months, but still at the beginner level. Now I found I have huge trouble with functional programming and scala's type system.

I tried finding some documents and blogs, but I can't understand most of them(especially type-system ones). So I'm looking for some small and good scala projects that I can read the sources to learn.

Could you please recommend me some?

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There's a popular set of "Scala Problems" out there, called the 99 Scala Problems

Problems come in all difficulties, and many flavors, basic functional programming included.

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If you follow the community there are the common suspects(those writing the scalaz book):

If you through this I have some more :) If you want an suggested order I word start with debasishs blog , then the simple exercises from tonys blog then read through runars blog(even the java ones!) then Erics after that Pauls and have a look at lucs ideas.

You can try the "Functional Programming Principles in Scala" video course by the designer of Scala, Martin Odersky. You only need to register at Coursera (click on the "Join for Free" button on the right sidebar) and then you will have access to the class which consists of lecture videos, between 6 and 15 minutes in length, that are accompanied by assignments, subtitles and slides per video.

The course also provides learning resources, discussion forums, instructions to setup tools, sbt tutorial, Eclipse tutorial, IntelliJ IDEA tutorial, Scala tutorial, Scala style guide and a Scala cheatsheet.

I also came across a series of very nicely written blog posts on Scala by Joel Abrahamsson:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and tools
  3. Executing Scala code
  4. Classes and constructors
  5. Methods
  6. If statements and loops
  7. Traits
  8. Scala’s type hierarchy and object equality
  9. Uniform Access

I hope the resources that I provided will prove to be helpful.

HackerRank has tons of problems that you can code up in multiple functional programming languages including Scala. The best part is that they have pre-written tests like an online judge.

If you are looking for some step-by-step tutorial than you should test "Functional Programming in Scala"

Try to complete exercises from sample chapters 1 & 10 to see if it match your expectations.

If you are already familiar with any language like JAVA, PYTHON or any other,you can refer - to get used to the basic syntax and some peculiar scala concepts like traits. If you are inclined towards data oriented projects, You can always start with basic projects like Word Count in a file. This gives you a good start towards playing around with data. You can then work around with multiple files, multiple tables. Use SPARK, HADOOP with scala to get a better hands on experience in handling multiple data.

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