
I am using Magento 2.3

I have created the Custom extension for category attribute "Popular category" and I have installed this extension successfully but the issue is I have set the default value as 0 but when I saw the attribute in admin it is already selected.

Here are the extension files:



namespace Custom\CategoryAttributes\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;
use Magento\Eav\Setup\EavSetup;
use Magento\Eav\Setup\EavSetupFactory;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\Category;
use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\ScopedAttributeInterface;

 * @codeCoverageIgnore
class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface
     * @var EavSetupFactory
    private $eavSetupFactory;

     * @param EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory
    public function __construct(EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory)
        $this->eavSetupFactory = $eavSetupFactory;

    public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
        /** @var EavSetup $eavSetup */
        $eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);
                'type' => 'int',
                'label' => 'Popular Category',
                'input' => 'select',
                'required' => false,
                'sort_order' => 100,
                'global' => ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_STORE,
                'group' => 'General Information',
                'default' => 0,
                'visible_on_front' => true,


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<form xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <fieldset name="general">
        <field name="include_in_menu" sortOrder="100" formElement="checkbox">
            <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
                    <item name="source" xsi:type="string">category</item>
                    <item name="default" xsi:type="string">0</item>
                    <rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">false</rule>
                <label translate="true">Popular Category</label>
                            <map name="false" xsi:type="string">0</map>
                            <map name="true" xsi:type="string">1</map>

Attribute in admin:

enter image description here

As you can see attribute is already selected to "Yes" but I want it to be selected as "No" by default. So, how can I achieve this?

And also I am not able to use this attribute in the front end. So, How can I do this?

도움이 되었습니까?


I tried your InstallData.php file and it is working perfectly.

The issue is in your


you use "include_in_menu" as the name in field tag, use your custom attribute name "popular_category" instead of "include_in_menu".

Below is my code which I tried


namespace Mycompany\CategoryAttribute\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;
use Magento\Eav\Setup\EavSetupFactory;

class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface

private $eavSetupFactory;

public function __construct(EavSetupFactory $eavSetupFactory)
    $this->eavSetupFactory = $eavSetupFactory;

 * {@inheritdoc}
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
public function install(
    ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup,
    ModuleContextInterface $context
) {
    $installer = $setup;


    $eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]);

            'type' => 'int',
            'label' => 'Popular Category',
            'input' => 'select',
            'source' => \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Boolean::class,
            'default' => 0,
            'sort_order' => 10,
            'group' => 'General Information',
            'visible_on_front' => true,



and change in tag "field" name


    <field name="is_popular_category" sortOrder="100" formElement="checkbox">
        <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="source" xsi:type="string">category</item>
                <item name="default" xsi:type="string">0</item>
                <rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">false</rule>
            <label translate="true">Popular Category</label>
                        <map name="false" xsi:type="string">0</map>
                        <map name="true" xsi:type="string">1</map>

enter image description here

다른 팁

Try this,

Instead of

'default' => 0

give as null and that select no by default

'default' => null

and input should be boolean not select

'input' => 'boolean'

instead of

'input' => 'select'

NOTE : Remove your module from setup_module then run php bin/magento setup:upgrade and also delete your attribute from eav_attribute table.

Query to remove the module from setup_module table in M2

DELETE from setup_module where module = 'Custom_CategoryAttributes';

and to delete it from eav_attribute table

DELETE from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'popular_category';

Hope this helps :)

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