
Does anyone have installed Frama-C on Mavericks ? Because i can't install it or do not know how to install it (Gui Version)!

I already installed ocaml on my pc, but for the Gui version i need to install these libraries : Gtk, GtkSourceView, GnomeCanvas and Lablgtk2.

So i saw a previous post and did that :

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig
sudo port install opam
opam init
eval `opam config env`
sudo port install gtksourceview2 lablgtk2 ocaml-ocamlgraph
opam install frama-c

Im' having a problem in making "make" with frama-c which is :

Ocamlc       src/logic/property_status.cmo
File "src/logic/property_status.ml", line 1444, characters 4-2027:
Error: Signature mismatch:
   Values do not match:
     val vertex_attributes :
       v ->
       [> `Color of int
        | `Label of string
        | `Shape of [> `Box | `Diamond ]
        | `Style of [> `Bold | `Filled ] list
        | `Width of float ]
   is not included in
     val vertex_attributes :
       V.t -> Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.vertex list
   File "src/logic/property_status.ml", line 1479, characters 16-33:
     Actual declaration
make: *** [src/logic/property_status.cmo] Error 2

How am i able to solve this ?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I have successfully installed frama-c Neon with gui on mavericks using brew to get all the dependencies and using the source code in http://frama-c.com/download.html . If you try to do it using brew, you should install lablgtk from this repository(https://github.com/mht208/homebrew-formal) and only after all the other dependencies so the commands to install with gui would be(in source folder):

  brew install ocaml
  brew install gtk
  brew install gtksourceview
  brew install gnomecanvasmm gnomecanvas
  brew tap mht208/formal
  brew install lmht208/formal/lablgtk -with-gnomecanvas -with-gtksourceview2 

You can also install ocamlgraph with opam, and you can compile Zarith and install in your system.

다른 팁

i've just successfully installed Frama-c neon (with Gui) on maverick, using opam and homebrew.

here's my walkthrough. (Thanks to tips above)

1) Install homebrew

$ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"

2) Install opam:

$ brew install opam
$ opam init

(i had to modify .profile instead of .bashrc with f option)

$ eval `opam config env`

3) Install all dependencies

$ brew install gtk+
$ brew install gtksourceview
$ brew install libgnomecanvasmm libgnomecanvas
$ brew install lablgtk

4) Install Frama-c

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
$ opam install frama-c

If you prefer install dependencies with macports, change the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig as explained here

Hope this help

Graph.Graphviz is from OCamlGraph. There seems to be an incompatibility between the two latest versions of each.

You'll have to add version contraints on the frama-c library, or change the Style attribute to have a list of the polymorphic variant set.


you don't need to install ocamlgraph via port, you should install that by opam as well.

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