
I am trying to check whether a given rabbitmq queue is empty or not. For that i am trying to use:


Using this I am always getting 0 as answer irrespective of number of messages shown by rabbitmqctl list_queues. There is no API available for this as far as i have searched.

I want same answer as given by rabbitmqctl list_queues.Please suggest a way to do that.

도움이 되었습니까?


you cannot get messages count using the SDK. channel.queueDeclarePassive(queueName).getMessageCount() is usually not correct because it won't count messages which waiting acknowledges.

you can enable the management plugin and query the queue by REST API:


The response contains the total messages count as well as messages in handling/ready state. Access to "localhost:15672/api" to see more detail about how to call it.

Here is an example response of it on local server:

    "idle_since":"2014-02-21 18:01:54",

다른 팁

Use following url to access details via http api,


or use following command from localhost cli promt,

curl -i -u guest_uname:guest_password http://localhost:15672/api/queues/%2f/queue_name

Where, %2f is default vhost "/"

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