
I am using this API "https://github.com/infusionsoft/PHP-iSDK". I am calling it in a simple php file but I am having a error, I am new to php any body with some easy solution, here is my code.

  echo "Hello World! <br/>";
  $myApp = new iSDK;

  if($myApp->cfgCon("connectionName")) {
      echo "Connected...";
  } else {
      echo "Not Connected...";

  sendEmail('conList','fromAddress','toAddress', 'ccAddresses', 'bccAddresses', 'contentType', 'subject', 'htmlBody', 'txtBody');

This code below give this error :

Call to undefined function sendEmail() in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\email.php on line 16
도움이 되었습니까?


Is this the only error in this code?

It looks like php can't find the function within iSDK. The line nclude_once'iSDK/src/isdk.php'; should be include_once('iSDK/src/isdk.php'); and you should check, if the relative path is correct.

The first character in the next line is also missing: myApp = new iSDK; should be $myApp = new iSDK();

Second guess is to write $myApp->sendEmail( instead of sendEmail(

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