
This might be a very broad question so I apologize in advance. I am looking for a scipt/command that can extract OS platform data of my current system. I want it to give me such details:

Graphics driver Network Driver OS version BT driver Audio driver

and so on...you get the point.

Does anyone know of anyway I can achieve this....I need to be able to read it using a windows command.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

도움이 되었습니까?


Like the comment above its best to have a look arround at the WMI objects powershell provide. Try a few queries to get used to the syntax and then you can start formating the output for your needs, Get-WMIObject has many classes with different properties - example below...

Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem -computername "computername"

Above will filter out properties such as Domain, Manufacturer, model, name, Pysical Memory. You can also use:

| select-object name, .....

To filter specifc information. Below has some useful information


다른 팁

enter image description hereGoto command prompt and type msinfo32 /report D:\result.txt the system info will be save in D:\result.txt file if you want it to be a script write this in notepad and save it as a .bat file and run it

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