
I'm working on an application where I copy data from excel into an ultragrid.

When I paste wrong data (for example I paste a string into a column that expects an integer) I get a popup from the ultragrid displaying the paste error.

I want to make my own validation without popups.

Is there a way to turn these popups off?



(at design time I created an ultradatasource to configure the ultragrid)



Found a solution for the problem (thanx for answering, it brought me in the right line of thinking) This is what solved it:

private void ugData_Error(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ErrorEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = true;


try this

private void ultraGrid1_CellDataError(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellDataErrorEventArgs e)
    e.RaiseErrorEvent = false;
    e.StayInEditMode = false;
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