
I've hit a bit of a wall and was hoping someone could point out where I'm going wrong.

I've been using Ninject to Inject into custom ActionFilterAttributes and this is working fine:

kernel.BindFilter<CriticalErrorAttribute>(FilterScope.Last, 1);

I'm now trying to inject into a custom AuthorizeAttribute. I've got the syntax correct so that I'm inserting the Role and custom attributes:

kernel.BindFilter<Authorisation>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
.WithPropertyValueFromActionAttribute<Authorisation>("Roles", n => n.Roles)
.WithPropertyValueFromActionAttribute<Authorisation>("Years", n => n.Years);

The attribute is being executed correctly and the roles and years are being inserted fine, my issue is that a service I'm trying to inject in is always null:

public IUserServices userService { get; set; }

In normal ActionFilterAttributes the service is injected fine, but here it isn't.

Any help would be appreciated

È stato utile?


Instead of deriving from an attribute you should implement the corresponding interface e.g. IAuthorizationFilter or IActionFilter and use a different normal attribut to mark the controllers or actions for which you want to apply that filter

public class AuthorisationFilter : IAuthorizationFilter ....
public class Authorization : Attribute ....

kernel.BindFilter<AuthorisationFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
      .WithPropertyValueFromActionAttribute<Authorisation>("Roles", n => n.Roles)
      .WithPropertyValueFromActionAttribute<Authorisation>("Years", n => n.Years);

Altri suggerimenti

I have very issue similar to the already asked question, but I can't solve it. I am adding my custom authorization filters, which inside have access to the db context. The dbcontext is defined to be used InRequestScope (Ninject Binding). When I hit the point where the filter is executing I am getting an error that dbcontext is already been disposed.

 void IAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var customerPermissions = _authorizationService.GetCustomersListForPermission(_userProvider.CurrentUser.Username,

The aurhorization service asks the db for permissions for the current user - this means that Ninject should create a new dbcontext instance, but this dosn't happen... I read that "The MVC framework itsself caches filters. "

But can't get how to implement my filter bindings.

Currently these are the bindings that I have:



  #region UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter
            kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
              .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);

            kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
               .WithConstructorArgumentFromControllerAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);

   [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
    public class UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
        #region Private Fields
        private static readonly ObjectCache _permissionCache = MemoryCache.Default;
        private static readonly ILog _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter));

        public  IAuthorizationService _authorizationService { get; set; }/// DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IAuthorizationService>();
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