
I'm working on a major Flash project that is going to be the core content of a site.

As most of you well know, almost any site can be entirely copied by copying the cached files and the hierarchy (files and folders structure), and it would run without problems on an Apache server with PHP enabled, if used.

What I would like to know is: How to bind SWF files to run on a specific host?

The SWFs will be encrypted, so outsiders won't have access to the methods used to stop the SWF from running on a different host, question is: what method to use?

I think the solution could be hardcoding the host IP inside the SWF, so if the SWF is looking for, only a host with that IP would allow the SWF to run further.

The issue is that AS3 alone can't discover the host IP or could it if it's trying to load a resource file? Anyway, that's why I need your help.

EDIT: Ok, seems someone asked for something similar earlier: Can you secure your swf so it checks if it is running on a recognized environment? I'll try that and see how it works, but the question is still open in case anyone has different suggestions.

È stato utile?


I use this method to determine if I am on dev or production in my config files.

var lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
switch ( lc.domain ){
  case "":
  case "":// local file reference  for dev
  case "localhost":// local file reference  for dev
  case "":// local file reference for dev
    // unknown domain do crash the app here

Altri suggerimenti

One method you could try is a php script that the swf sends a request to and must receive a correct reply from before it continues to operate. Since people can't get at your server-side php, they can't get the needed code to simulate that reply.

The SWFs will be encrypted, so outsiders won't have access to the methods used to stop the SWF from running on a different host Since the file will run on a client computer (and thus they key would have to be stored in an accessible way), this isn't really that much of a protection.

The best way would probably be to have part of the SWF-logic on the server, and not give access to that part from third party hosts (by using the crossdomain file).

Look into the idea of wrapping main inside a type of preloader, and putting main into a secure dir on the server. I cant remember how this gets around the cache problem, but it had to do with how the wrapper loads main.

Something like this:

// (embedded in fla)
var imageLoader:Loader;

function randomNumber(low:Number=NaN, high:Number=NaN):Number
  var low:Number = low;
  var high:Number = high;

    throw new Error("low must be defined");
    throw new Error("high must be defined");

  return Math.round(Math.random() * (high - low)) + low;
function loadImage(url:String):void {
preloader.visible = true;
// Set properties on my Loader object
imageLoader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageLoading);
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
// DOIT!
loadImage("main.sw?"+randomNumber(1000,10000)); //NOT A TYPO!

function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
// Hide Preloader
preloader.visible = false;

function imageLoading(e:ProgressEvent):void {
// Get current download progress
var loaded:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
// Send progress info to "preloader" movie clip

/// this is main.sw  //NOT A TYPO
// Tried this - abandoned
// session_start();
// if(isset($_SESSION["flash"])) {
//   $referrer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
//   $referrer = parse_url($referrer);
//   if($referrer["host"] != $_SESSION["flash"]) {
//     echo "Permission denied.";
//     exit();
//   }
// } else {
//   echo "Permission denied.";
//   exit();
// }
// unset($_SESSION["flash"]);

header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash");

public function onCreationComplete(event:Event):void{
  Security.allowDomain( "*" );
  Security.loadPolicyFile( "crossdomain.xml" );

// crossdomain.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>    
   <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
   <allow-access-from domain="*" />

That should get you started. The idea here was to prevent anyone from getting main on their machine- I am not sure if it worked.

You may have a server-side page generate a key using a date-based algorithm which is passed via flash var to your swf. This way a "copied" key won't work because by that time, the valid date will have passed. From what I understand, this would essentially be like using an RSA token.

Aside from this, any security you have will also need code to be inside your SWF to validate your token. The problem here is that SWFs are known to decompile quite easily. Meaning that your code isn't safe :( You could obfuscate your AS3 in hopes to confuse any "hackers".

All in all, I've never attempted anything like this, so let us know how it goes!

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