
I am trying to set up TestFlight in a MvvmCross Android application. I've created a bindings project following Bradley Hall's post

I'm not sure how to change the application constructor in the core PCL library to include parameters for the following:

    public class MyApp : Application
        public MyApp(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
            : base(javaReference, transfer) { }

Since it is a PCL I won't be able to include the bindings project. I thought I might be able to do this through the MvxAndroidSetup class, but the constructor parameters are required so Jni can consume the class.

So how can I set up the Mvx Android app to include TestFlight?

this is similar to TestFlight setup mvvmcross but I think it is different enough to be a separate question

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This is the same as the other question - TestFlight setup mvvmcross

The app in the pcl project is an MvxApplication object - used to provide the view model locator and the app start navigation - but this is a completely separate object to the Android application, to the WindowsPhone Application, to the iOS AppDelegate, etc. These platform specific application objects can live in the native projects.

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