
So, this is based on WordPress. Here is the blog on safari and on firefox, what is wrong, likely with the css, since firefox it is not displaying the page correctly?

on safari (, mouse hover on first post) enter image description here

on firefox enter image description here

html (with php) - pastebin link

html (generated) - pastebin link

css - pastebin link

the first grayed element on firefox is this

Added a jsfiddle: DEMO

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The "display:moz-box;" applied to .post-holder is preventing the images from showing up. Looking into WHY now.

I haven't messed with flex-box layouts much at all, so this is largely assumptions. You have a "display:mox-box;" set on .post-holder, but .post-image neglects to set any flexbox properties. Adding "-moz-box-flex: 1;" to .post-image causes the images to display, but likely are not the size you're shooting for.

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