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How to Clear PMP Examinations in Just Four Weeks!

Competitive ExamsExaminations/EvaluationsSkills

Let’s discuss the tips for clearing the PMP Exam within 4 weeks. These tips are applicable for working professionals who take the Classroom 35-Hour Contact program and who cannot afford to apply for leave for the preparation. The aspirants who prefer to take the online contact program also can benefit from the given tips where applicable.

You should allocate 2 hours during the weekdays and 8 hours during the weekends (Saturday, Sunday) exclusively for the Exam preparation. The aspirants must ensure that they spend at least this much of time for exam preparation along with their normal work during this period. It is advisable not to give a long gap between the contact class and the Exam as they tend to forget the concepts and definitions taught in the class as days pass by and also will lose the motivation to take the exam. The best policy here is – “Strike the iron when it is hot”.

First Week

Selection of the PMP training provider for the 35 hours contact program is very important. It is preferable to opt for a REP training institute. Take the help of your friends/colleagues having fruitful experience with the training institute to finalize.

During the first week, before attending the class, get a hard copy of the study material from the institute and go through it once or twice to get familiarized with terminology and the concepts to improve your understanding in the class. During the class hours, take notes in the hard copy of the study material, whenever you get a lot of additional information from the instructor. Utilize the time given by instructor to for attempt the end of chapter tests sincerely. Try to get the justification behind correct answers.

Second Week

During the second week, go through the study material and notes for the chapters covered by the instructor thoroughly and mark your doubts to be cleared with the instructor. Take help from your friends colleagues for selecting any extra reading material / books.

Do not try any reading material on your own as it leads to confusion. Attempt the end of chapter tests from the chapters covered by the instructor in these books and go through the justification of correct answers carefully. If you get consistently above 80% correct answers in these tests, you are ready.

Third Week

During the third week, follow the same procedure for the chapters covered during the second week end. Do extensive studies on all the subjects. By the third week end you will be thorough with all the chapters. Go through the PMBoK once; if you have time, you must get well-familiarized with the Glossary part of this PMBoK.

PMBoK is the acronym for the full name “Project Management Body of Knowledge”, and is a book that defines the standard guidelines in project management, and sets the terminology and common vocabulary. The PMBOK Guide is published by PMI.

Fourth Week

During the fourth week, take at least two mock exams given by the institute. You can take a single exam in two parts in two days. Go through the justification of the correct answers carefully and fine-tune the understanding of the concepts by reading the material. If you get more that 80% in these two mock tests, you are set.

On the 4th Saturday, take 2 full mock tests on the same day to test your endurance and concentration. Try to get above 80% in these 2 tests consistently. Do a light revision on Inputs, Tools & Techniques and Outputs) formulae and definitions.

Tips for the Exam Day

Be calm on the exam day. Don’t panic even if you have to leave around 5-6 questions continuously, just mark them for later review. Don’t get bogged down facing tough questions for long as this will lead to time pressure at the end and you will not have time to answer the easy questions in the end of the paper.

After 45 minutes you may feel that your mind is clogged with PMBoK definitions and concepts and you may not be able to concentrate. Just take deep breathes for about 1-2 minutes to remove these clogs and relax for another 2-3 minutes.

Happy Learning!

Annamalai C is a PMP trainer & Lean Six sigma consultant, a Ceramic Engineer from IIT-BHU, certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with 8 years’ experience in an ITES/KPO as Head of Quality, a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt having 17 years’ experience in Production and 5 years in Quality Function in Ferrite Manufacturing units. For more on PMP training, please visit − http://www.greycampus.com/pmp-training-instructor-led

Published on 23-Jan-2020 11:48:46
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