¿Cómo estructuro una consulta OleDbCommand para que pueda tomar las tablas de un MDB, y reemplazarlos en otro MDB

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/520506


Estoy tratando de tomar las tablas de una base de datos de acceso del archivo, añadirlos a otro archivo de base de datos Access con la misma estructura exacta pero con distinta información. Necesito sobrescribir cualquier tabla existente. Estoy casi hecho con mi proyecto esto es durar mi pared de ladrillo.

Estoy utilizando un archivo de clase independiente DatabaseHandling.cs nombrados para trabajar con los archivos de base de datos Access.

Aquí es todo mi código DatabaseHandling.cs actuales. Esto se mantiene hasta la fecha para ahora en adelante.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace LCR_ShepherdStaffupdater_1._0
    public class DatabaseHandling
        static DataTable datatableB = new DataTable();
        static DataTable datatableA = new DataTable();
        public static DataSet datasetA = new DataSet();
        public static DataSet datasetB = new DataSet();
        static OleDbDataAdapter adapterA = new OleDbDataAdapter();
        static OleDbDataAdapter adapterB = new OleDbDataAdapter();
        static string connectionstringA = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Settings.getfilelocationA();
        static string connectionstringB = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Settings.getfilelocationB();
        static OleDbConnection dataconnectionB = new OleDbConnection(connectionstringB);
        static OleDbConnection dataconnectionA = new OleDbConnection(connectionstringA);
        static DataTable tableListA;
        static DataTable tableListB;

        static public void addTableA(string table, bool addtoDataSet)
            datatableA = new DataTable(table);
                OleDbCommand commandselectA = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + table + "]", dataconnectionA);
                adapterA.SelectCommand = commandselectA;
                Logging.updateLog("Error: Tried to get " + table + " from DataSetA. Table doesn't exist!", true, false, false);

            if (addtoDataSet == true)
                Logging.updateLog("Added DataTableA: " + datatableA.TableName.ToString() + " Successfully!", false, false, false);


        static public void addTableB(string table, bool addtoDataSet)
            datatableB = new DataTable(table);

                OleDbCommand commandselectB = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + table + "]", dataconnectionB);
                adapterB.SelectCommand = commandselectB;
                Logging.updateLog("Error: Tried to get " + table + " from DataSetB. Table doesn't exist!", true, false, false);

            if (addtoDataSet == true)
                Logging.updateLog("Added DataTableB: " + datatableB.TableName.ToString() + " Successfully!", false, false, false);


        static public string[] getTablesA(string connectionString)
            tableListA = dataconnectionA.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new Object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
            string[] stringTableListA = new string[tableListA.Rows.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < tableListA.Rows.Count; i++)
                stringTableListA[i] = tableListA.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString();
            return stringTableListA;

        static public string[] getTablesB(string connectionString)
            tableListB = dataconnectionB.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new Object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
            string[] stringTableListB = new string[tableListB.Rows.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < tableListB.Rows.Count; i++)
                stringTableListB[i] = tableListB.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString();
            return stringTableListB;

        static public void createDataSet()

            string[] tempA = getTablesA(connectionstringA);
            string[] tempB = getTablesB(connectionstringB);
            int percentage = 0;
            int maximum = (tempA.Length + tempB.Length);

            Logging.updateNotice("Loading Tables...");
            Logging.updateLog("Started Loading File A", false, true, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < tempA.Length ; i++)
                if (!datasetA.Tables.Contains(tempA[i]))
                    addTableA(tempA[i], true);
                    Logging.loadStatus(percentage, maximum);
                    addTableA(tempA[i], true);
                    Logging.loadStatus(percentage, maximum);
            Logging.updateLog("Finished loading File A", false, true, false);
            Logging.updateLog("Started loading File B", false, true, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < tempB.Length ; i++)
                if (!datasetB.Tables.Contains(tempB[i]))
                    addTableB(tempB[i], true);
                    Logging.loadStatus(percentage, maximum);
                    addTableB(tempB[i], true);
                    Logging.loadStatus(percentage, maximum);
            Logging.updateLog("Finished loading File B", false, true, false);


        static public DataTable getDataTableA()
            datatableA = datasetA.Tables[Settings.textA];

            return datatableA;
        static public DataTable getDataTableB()
            datatableB = datasetB.Tables[Settings.textB];
            return datatableB;

        static public DataSet getDataSetA()
            return datasetA;

        static public DataSet getDataSetB()
            return datasetB;

        static public void InitiateCopyProcessA()
            DataSet tablesA;
            tablesA = DatabaseHandling.getDataSetA();

                foreach (DataTable table in tablesA.Tables)
                    OverwriteTable(table, table.TableName);
                    Logging.updateLog("Copied " + table.TableName + " successfully.", false, true, false);


        static void OverwriteTable(DataTable sourceTable, string tableName)
            using (var destConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionstringA))
            using (var destCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, destConn) { CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect })
            using (var destDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(destCmd))
                // Since we're using a single table, we can have the CommandBuilder
                // generate the appropriate INSERT and DELETE SQL statements
                using (var destCmdB = new OleDbCommandBuilder(destDA))
                    destCmdB.QuotePrefix = "["; // quote reserved column names
                    destCmdB.QuotePrefix = "]";
                    destDA.DeleteCommand = destCmdB.GetDeleteCommand();
                    destDA.InsertCommand = destCmdB.GetInsertCommand();

                    // Get rows from destination, and delete them
                    var destTable = new DataTable();
                    foreach (DataRow dr in destTable.Rows)

                    // Set rows from source as Added, so the DataAdapter will insert them
                    foreach (DataRow dr in sourceTable.Rows)


Simplemente quiero tomar un DataTable que está en la memoria y escribir en un archivo MDB. He estado tratando de hacer esto durante más de 30 horas.


De acuerdo, añade el nuevo código. Consigo un nuevo error en tiempo de ejecución: Error de sintaxis en la cláusula



static public void InitiateCopyProcessA()
    DataSet tablesA;
    tablesA = DatabaseHandling.getDataSetA();

        foreach (DataTable table in tablesA.Tables)
            OverwriteTable(table, table.TableName);
            Logging.updateLog("Copied " + table.TableName + " successfully.", false, true, false);


static void OverwriteTable(DataTable sourceTable, string tableName)
    using (var destConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionstringA))
    using (var destCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, destConn) { CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect })
    using (var destDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(destCmd))
        // Since we're using a single table, we can have the CommandBuilder
        // generate the appropriate INSERT and DELETE SQL statements
        using (var destCmdB = new OleDbCommandBuilder(destDA))
            destCmdB.QuotePrefix = "["; // quote reserved column names
            destCmdB.QuotePrefix = "]";
            destDA.DeleteCommand = destCmdB.GetDeleteCommand();
            destDA.InsertCommand = destCmdB.GetInsertCommand();

            // Get rows from destination, and delete them
            var destTable = new DataTable();
            foreach (DataRow dr in destTable.Rows)

            // Set rows from source as Added, so the DataAdapter will insert them
            foreach (DataRow dr in sourceTable.Rows)
            destDA.Update(sourceTable); // !!! Run-time error: Syntax error in FROM clause. !!!

Una vez más, esto no funciona. Que me haga saber si necesita información adicional.

¿Fue útil?


Trate de reemplazar

using (var destCmdB = new OleDbCommandBuilder(destDA)) 
    destDA.DeleteCommand = destCmdB.GetDeleteCommand();            
    destDA.InsertCommand = destCmdB.GetInsertCommand();        


destDA.InsertCommand = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO `AdminUsers` (`UserName`, `Password`) VALUES (?, ?)");
destDA.DeleteCommand = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM `AdminUsers` WHERE (`ID` = ?)");
destDA.UpdateCommand = new OldDbCommand("UPDATE `AdminUsers` SET `UserName` = ?, `Password` = ? WHERE (`ID` = ?)");

Cuando las consultas son válidas a su estructura de la tabla.

Otros consejos

@ Marcos Brackett lo tuvo muy cerca la razón de su conseguir el sin DeleteCommand se debe a la OleDbCommandBuilder desecha de manera que mueva el soporte y que debe ser bueno.

static void CopyTable(string sourceConnectionString, string destinationConnectionString, string tableName)
// Get rows from source    
var sourceTable = new DataTable();
using (var sourceConn = new OleDbConnection(sourceConnectionString))
using (var sourceCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, sourceConn) {CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect})
using (var sourceDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(sourceCmd))
using (var destConn = new OleDbConnection(destinationConnectionString))
using (var destCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, destConn) {CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect})
using (var destDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(destCmd))
    // Since we're using a single table, we can have the CommandBuilder        
    // generate the appropriate INSERT and DELETE SQL statements        
    using (var destCmdB = new OleDbCommandBuilder(destDA))
        destDA.DeleteCommand = destCmdB.GetDeleteCommand();
        destDA.InsertCommand = destCmdB.GetInsertCommand();

        // Get rows from destination, and delete them        
        var destTable = new DataTable();
        foreach (DataRow dr in destTable.Rows)
        // Set rows from source as Added, so the DataAdapter will insert them        
        foreach (DataRow dr in sourceTable.Rows)


Prueba este código de excepción

static public void InitiateCopyProcessA()
    DataSet tablesA;
    tablesA = DatabaseHandling.getDataSetA();
    int i = 0;
    string tableName = "";
        foreach (DataTable table in tablesA.Tables)
            tableName = table.TableName;  // for debugging the exception
            CopyTable(connectionstringA, connectionstringB, table.TableName);
    catch(Exception ex)
        throw new Exception("Error updating " + tableName, ex);


intente cambiar

// Set rows from source as Added, so the DataAdapter will insert them                
foreach (DataRow dr in sourceTable.Rows)        


// only add the first row.

Estoy tentado a saber si es sólo una fila que; s lanzando el error o si es la consulta. Mi pensamiento es que una de las filas tiene un valor cobarde

Me da la sensación de que no está realmente Grokking todo el asunto / DataRow DataTable. Usted ve, en una base de datos, no es realmente trabaja con tablas - pero con filas. Si desea "sobrescribir" TableB con filas de TableA, que le elimine primero todas las filas en la Tabla B y luego insertar copias de todas las filas de la Tabla A.

Suponiendo que la tabla de destino ya existe, se puede hacer la inserción mediante la cumplimentación de 1 fuente, y luego poner las filas de Agregado. El adaptador de datos se ejecutará un comando SQL de inserción para cada fila añadida.

static void CopyTable(string sourceConnectionString, string destinationConnectionString, string tableName) {
    // Get rows from source
    var sourceTable = new DataTable();
    using (var sourceConn = new OleDbConnection(sourceConnectionString))
    using (var sourceCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, sourceConn) { CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect })
    using (var sourceDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(sourceCmd)) {

    OverwriteTable(sourceTable, destinationConnectionString, tableName);

static void OverwriteTable(DataTable sourceTable, string destinationConnectionString, string tableName) {
    using (var destConn = new OleDbConnection(destinationConnectionString))
    using (var destCmd = new OleDbCommand(tableName, destConn) { CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect })
    using (var destDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(destCmd)) {
        // Since we're using a single table, we can have the CommandBuilder
        // generate the appropriate INSERT and DELETE SQL statements
        using (var destCmdB = new OleDbCommandBuilder(destDA)) {
            destCmdB.QuotePrefix = "["; // quote reserved column names
            destCmdB.QuoteSuffix = "]";
            destDA.DeleteCommand = destCmdB.GetDeleteCommand();
            destDA.InsertCommand = destCmdB.GetInsertCommand();

            // Get rows from destination, and delete them
            var destTable = new DataTable();
            foreach (DataRow dr in destTable.Rows) {

            // Set rows from source as Added, so the DataAdapter will insert them
            foreach (DataRow dr in sourceTable.Rows) {

EDIT: Dividir el OverwriteTable a un método diferente para acomodar su tabla de datos en la memoria. cotizaciones también añadidos en torno generan sentencias SQL para su Año reservado y nombres de columna mes. dispose Movido de CommandBuilder como por href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/37881/bendewey"> bendewey .

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