
In my theme i will use the WP_Filesystem to write a file to for example:

$file = get_template_directory().'/library/assets/css/wpless2css.css';

Which outputs something like /home/user/domain/http_docs/wp-contents/theme/mytheme/library/assets/css/wpless2css.css

This will work unless the ftp user will be chroot to /home/user/domain/ (on some servers?).

In the case of a chroot the WP_Filesystem can't find $file.

A solution seems to define FTP_PATH in wp-config.php into /home/user/domain/ and use:

if(FTP_BASE) $file =  str_replace(FTP_BASE,'',get_template_directory()).'/library/assets/css/wpless2css.css';

I'm looking for a solution more robust and support for the different possible permissions systems.

No hay solución correcta

Licenciado bajo: CC-BY-SA con atribución
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