
I am using Ciola theme from Theme forest and this is my site: I have an issue concerning category callback on the homepage. As you can see, there are three vertical modules that display posts from selected categories, namely "Aktualnosci", "Recenzje i Relacje" and "Nadchodzace". Between the image and the title there is a callback category box ( the little red boxes). When I assign a post to category, it is displayed in this box. The problem is when I have my post assigned to more than one category, e.g. three of them and the theme randomly chooses one category to be displayed in this box. This is the code that generates this box:

     // Get category meta data
             foreach( ( get_the_category() ) as $category ) 
                        $category_name = $category->cat_name;
                        $category_url = get_category_link($category);
                        $cat_com_url = get_comments_link();

  <span class="cb-category"><a href="<?php echo $category_url; ?>"><?php echo $category_name; ?></a></span>

My question is whether there is any possibility to have total control of which category is displayed in this box? It would be an extremely useful feature on my website.

If I didn't submit all the important data/code, this is the whole PHP file

I hope that You will help me :)

No hay solución correcta

Licenciado bajo: CC-BY-SA con atribución
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