
How can I hook into the suggestionsRendered event of Twitter's Typeahead and access the filtered data so I can update my table using this data?

I am using Twitter Bootstrap 3, this version has moved the typeahead plugin into its own library, and the old typeahead plugin is no longer being maintained.

I have setup typeahead to work as I would like, but I have an issue where I would like the library to fire a callback once suggestionsRendered has fired internally.

Attaching events via the normal fashion does not work, the only events currently available are located here:

  • typeahead:initialized (fired when the typeahead has loaded (and prefetched data))
  • typeahead:opened (fired when the typeahead suggestion box opens)
  • typeahead:closed (fired when the typeahead suggestion box closes)
  • typeahead:selected (fired when a suggestion is selected)
  • typeahead:autocompleted (fired on tab press, or whenever autocompleted)

You can use the above events like so:

// This is how you use the above events.
    console.log(data); // Contains the selected items data

The Problem

As someone is typing in the input field, I want to update the rows inside a table, I can't use none of the above events to update a table as I type (They only work for clicks, selections, hovers etc..).

How can I retrieve the filtered data that suggestionsRendered renders? (So instead of rendering it into the typeahead box, I want to access all the items, so I can loop over them, and add them into a table).

I've tried googling (listed for SEO): (but find information related to the old (and unmaintained) version of typeahead)

twitter bootstrap 3 typeahead suggestionsRendered custom event
twitter bootstrap 3 typeahead suggestionRendered custom event
twitter bootstrap 3 typeahead suggestionsRendered callback
twitter bootstrap 3 typeahead suggestionsRendered get data callback

Finally.. I found a thread on github that states this feature has been requested and is waiting to be implemented (though this comment was from 10 months ago).

¿Fue útil?


Currently this feature is waiting to be implemented (along with a bunch of other callbacks), I have found a simple solution (which requires editing the core typeahead.js library)

Step 1

Inside typeahead.js find the following line (approx Line: 840 in v0.9.3).

// Within Class DropdownView
renderSuggestions: function(dataset, suggestions) {
    this.trigger("suggestionsRendered"); // Find this line! approx line: 840

Step 2

Change the above line to:

renderSuggestions: function(dataset, suggestions) {
    this.trigger("suggestionsRendered", suggestions); // Pass "suggestions" var

Step 3

Finally in your HTML page (or Javascript file), use the following to attach the event:

// When you initialize your typeahead, store it into a variable
$typeahead = $('#your-typeahead-input-id-or-class').typeahead({options});

// Access that elements data property, and attach the event to dropdownView
$'ttView').dropdownView.on('suggestionsRendered', function (evtObj) {
    console.log(evtObj.type); // Holds the event type: "suggestionsRendered"
    console.log(; // Holds results of filtered data: Object
    console.log("suggestionsRendered event callback fired");
    // Do your stuffs..

Thats it!

If you log the evtObj var, you will have the event type AND data! :)

Otros consejos

I believe this example for dealing with events is more relevant now:

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