
i have a database that I have populated.

I am now trying to write a SELECT statement:

SELECT + FULL ( fst) full(fs) COUNT(DISTINCT r1.CLIENT_ID || e.CODE || fst.TAB_ID) NB_TAB FROM RATTACHEMENT_DART rd, FLUX_SORTANT fs, FS_TABLEAU fst, equipement e, REFERENTIEL r1, referentiel r2, referentiel pere;

When I try to run the above case statement I recieve the following error:

Erreur commençant à la ligne 4 de la commande : SELECT + FULL ( fst) full(fs) COUNT(DISTINCT r1.CLIENT_ID || e.CODE || fst.TAB_ID) NB_TAB FROM RATTACHEMENT_DART rd, FLUX_SORTANT fs, FS_TABLEAU fst, equipement e, REFERENTIEL r1, referentiel r2, referentiel pere Erreur à la ligne de commande : 4, colonne : 26 Rapport d'erreur : Erreur SQL : ORA-00923: mot-clé FROM absent à l'emplacement prévu 00923. 00000 - "FROM keyword not found where expected" *Cause:

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If you want to use hints you should use /*+...*/ as below

SELECT /*+ FULL( fst) full(fs)*/ COUNT(DISTINCT r1.CLIENT_ID || e.CODE || fst.TAB_ID) NB_TAB 
     FS_TABLEAU fst, equipement e, 
     REFERENTIEL r1, referentiel r2, referentiel pere;

See documentation

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