
I have started out with macvim and now fairly comfortable with the navigation (on a single file) and now I need to write a whole project (say rails) using mvim.

In textmate, you have mate project_dir which opens the project in a side drawer, so my question is:

  1. Is there a similar feature in mvim?
  2. How can a complete project managed in traditionally in macvim?

Links to some write-ups are welcomed.

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Just try using Janus. Made it really easy for me to switch from TextMate.


As @changelog pointed out, the absolute best way to get MacVim to behave like Textmate is to use Janus. Janus packages up a bunch of popular plugins and provides an easy way to keep those pluggins up-to-date via a rakefile. Janus also includes NERDTree (mentioned by @zengr) along with a variety of other tools that make it really easy to manage a big project.

In order to launch mvim the way that you launch textmate with mate project_dir, an mvim script is included in the MacVim download. You just need to put it in your path (I keep mine in /usr/local/bin/mvim). Using this script you can do the exact same thing:

mvim project_dir - to open a specific directory in MacVim

mvim . or just mvim - to open your current directory in MacVim

After trying out many plugins, NERDTree was the best match. Read more

enter image description here

PROJECT is really awesome. You can easily add folders to your project (single ones, or recursively), specify filters, etc.

It's really worth a try.

Try :help mksession.

Load all your 'project' files (either interactively or using the command line vim file1 file2 ....) Running :mksession xxx writes a vim script to restore the environment and load all currently loaded files.

Next time just :source xxx to reload your environment (or run vim -s xxx to execute the file on startup).

Note: For navigating source files (as opposed to data files), ctags is, in my opinion, a better option. Create a ctags database (ctags works for Ruby scripts too!) and navigate in your code tree using :tag myfunc. No need to preload any file.

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