
I have 2 properties Email and Confirm Email. How to provide string format arg for both localized property Name For Example:-

public class Account 
  public string Email {get;set;}
  public string ConfirmEmail {get;set;}

Public AccountValidator : AbstractValidator<Account>
   public AccountValidator()
      RuleFor(a=> a.Email)
                  .WithLocalizedMessage(() => MyResource.compareFields);

My resource File has message like this:-

'{PropertyName}' and '{ ??? }' fields do not match.

What should I use in ??? so that it says : -

'Email' and 'ConfirmEmail' fields do not match.

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One way to solve this to define a custom parameter in your message: {0}. So your the message would look like this in your resource file.

'{PropertyName}' and '{0}' fields do not match.

And pass in the "ConfirmEmail" as an extra argument to the WithLocalizedMessage call:

RuleFor(a => a.Email)
    .Equal(a => a.ConfirmEmail)
    .WithLocalizedMessage(() => MyResource.compareFields, "ConfirmEmail");
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