
I'm having a problem getting SvnKit working on 64 bit Windows 7. I open a shell and type jsvn and i get...

The system cannot find the path specified.

It doesn't say what path. Its not the launcher script as I've checked all the paths. It must be within one of the svnkit jars or a dependent jar.

This is the standalone version. My installed JRE is 1.6.0_22.

Has anyone seen this problem on 64 bit Windows 7?

Edited to show launcher script:

It seems that java isn't even getting called from the jsvn.bat file.

Here is the contents of that file...



set SVNKIT_CLASSPATH="%SVNKIT_HOME%svnkit.jar";"%SVNKIT_HOME%svnkit-cli.jar";"%SVNKIT_HOME%trilead.jar";"%SVNKIT_HOME%jna.jar";"%SVNKIT_HOME%sqljet.1.0.3.jar";"%SVNKIT_HOME%antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar"
set SVNKIT_MAINCLASS=org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.svn.SVN
set SVNKIT_OPTIONS=-Djava.util.logging.config.file=""


So somewhere a bad path exists and the script never invokes the java command. If I turn on echo and observe the console output and then enter the java command by hand it works.

I'm stumped.

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I got this working finally. The problem was with the JAVA_HOME variable being set incorrectly for the shell session. I have several shell environments for different tasks and the wrong one was being used. Yup. Human error!

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