
i'm having a real trouble with UITabBarController. I have a simple foto app, and I'm trying to simulate almost the same behaviour as the PhotoApp from the Iphone the main view controler is the tabbar itself, i also have a NavBar and a status bar on top.

What i want is on tap to hide the bars (not with timer, just on tap). The photo is actually an UIScroll view that zooms the photo or makes it again 1:1. that part already works,

I've tried before pushing the view to the navbar to set the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed and well it works, but i can't set a custom animation, and that's not the real problem , I can't show again the bars, they dissapear and i don't know how to reshow them, i'm sure i'm probably missing someting very obvious, but as my experience in obj C is little like half a year part time, i thought i asked here as stackoverflow seems to get the answers :)

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Something to investigate: the Three20 project: - it includes a completely clone of the photo-browsing app in component form.

But without Three20, you can't do this with a stock UINavigationController, because the UIViewController that you're using is a subview of the UINavigationController. You need to make a sibling view on another layer. To do this, make a parent UIViewController which has two subviews: your photo, and a UIToolbar. You can hide and display the UIToolbar by setting it's hidden property, and make sure it's above the photo view with [parent.view bringSubviewToFront:toolbarController] (where parent is the main UIViewController that contains both the photo view and the UIToolbar)

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