
I'm writing web application that uses Spring MVC to bind Spring beans with REST-like channels.

I've created the configuration basic both on my previous apps (pure XML configuration) and example, which used <mvc:annotation-driven/> feature. I'm pointing a package with controllers with <context:component-scan base-package="my.package"/> in spring xml file.

It is working - in Spring 3.0.6.RELEASE. However, after upgrading to 3.1.0.RELEASE my controllers stopped to be detected and no channel was registered. Spring context contains no implementation of HelloChannel interface.

Is this a bug in this Spring version, or I'm using deprecated configuration, which stopped to be supported in newer version? I got no error or warning, simply no bean is auto-detected.

The controller interface definition looks like that:

@RequestMapping("/config") public interface ConfigChannel

And the implementation:

public class ConfigChannelImpl implements ConfigChannel
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The Spring documentation indicates that interface-based @Controllers are for proxying transactional methods. As such, you are probably using the <tx:annotation-driven /> tag. The problem you now seem to have is that Spring 3.1 introduced support for CGLIB, a runtime-based bytecode manipulator. You need to add proxy-target-class="true" to your transaction configuration and add CGLIB to your classpath.

<tx:annotation-driven proxy-target-class="true" />


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