
in my app when i click on refresh button, an activity indicator appears. and when tableView is refreshed then it disappears. i want to use a image instead of that activity indicator in such a way that when i click on refresh that image ll come on the whole screen and when view ll b refreshed it ll disappear. how can i do that? thanx in advance

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Basically what you need to do is add a "cover page" view over your current view.

These usually work best if you set the alpha to about 50%.

Hitting the button you can call addSubview:coverPage where you init coverPage somewhere with the right attributes.

If you want, cover page can have it's own spinners or labels if necessary.

after your refresh completes, just call [coverPage removeFromSuperview] to dismiss.


UIActivityIndicatorView is the spinning thing that is the default busy indicator. It inherits from UIView. If you subclass it and have your own drawRect: implementation you should be able to draw any image you like in place of the spinning bars.

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