
I am trying to figure out how to grab the start directory for my program. I am using C and have access to GLib. On the Linux side it is easy, g_get_current_directory as soon as the program is launched, and store this value for later use. I tried using the same method on windows but g_get_current_directory returns whatever %APPDATA% resolves to.

Any ideas on how I can grab the starting directory using C?


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Solution 2

Oops, found the solution. If you have access to glib, simply use:

gchar* g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module(gpointer hmodule);

If hmodule is NULL then it will return the dir for the .exe


Not in standard C (unless there's something new in C99). C itself doesn't have much of a concept of file systems.

I believe _getcwd() is what you need, have a look here at the MSDN documentation:

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