
I'm trying to do a vanishing Star Wars type thing like this, but programatically.

Most of what they've done is easy to program (make a motion tween), but I wish to generate the text-based graphic programatically as well (from text using a dynamic text obj, for example).

The question, as I see it (but I'm open to other ways of seeing it, of course) is: is there any way to get a slanty-sided rectangle from my dynamic-text object? The scale9grid mentioned here will not do it, I'm quite sure. I want to specify four points to get a rhombus (if that's what it's called).

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If you are compiling for flash player 10 (which requires CS4 or a recent flex sdk), you can just rotate the text field in 3d:

text.rotateX = -45;

There are a few more issues with this, such as you need to use font embedding, and getting the vanishing point in the center of the field.

Doing this in flash player < 10 with bitmaps is also possible, if you are masochistic, and don't mind some vertical aliasing. The idea would be to use BitmapData.draw() to draw each line with a height 1 clipping rect and a transform to do the perspective division. Eg (in flex):

class Main extends Sprite
    [Embed(systemFont="Arial", fontName="embedFont", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    var embedFont:Class;

    public function Main()
        var text:TextField = new TextField();
        text.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("embedFont", 30);
        text.embedFonts = true;
        text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        text.text = "Hello, world\nHow nice\nto have\nmultiple\nlines!";
        var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(150, 100);

        for (var i:int = 0; i != bmp.height; ++i) {
            var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
            // x-division, change 0.8, 0.2 to change scale increase, scale at top
            m.a = i*(0.8/bmp.height)+0.2;
            // horizontal center
            m.tx = bmp.width * (1-m.a) / 2;
            // y-division, and align text to bottom
            m.ty = (bmp.height-i)/m.a - bmp.height; 
            bmp.draw(text, m, null, null, new Rectangle(0, i, bmp.width, 1));

        addChild(new Bitmap(bmp));

I haven't done the maths, so I don't know if that's physically accurate, but it should give you an idea.


You might consider converting the text object to an image, and then doing that to the image.


You can't really do this in a simple way in Flash Player 9 and earlier.
Flash player 10 and Flash CS4 introduces some basic support for 3D transformations, but these are quite simple, and i guess this "extreme" perspective could be tricky to get right. I have however not used the CS4 authoring tool, so it might be easier in there.

There are also the full 3D engines like papervision and away3d although they are a bit overkill.

What I think might be best is using a DisplacementMapFilter, I had some trouble finding any good examples of this online, and I've never actually done it myself, but I think the example in the docs should get you started just fine.

If you feel up for it you can also just draw all the pixels to a bitmap and have at them one by one, that might be the most fun thing to code, but it will likely be quite slow and not look as good ;)

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