
This is outdated. The translation is not done anymore as described below
In Magento 1 the translatable texts needed in javascript were added in the jstranslate.xml file in the etc folder of a module and they were automatically added to the translator js object.
How can I add translatable texts to be used in javascript in Magento 2?
I found how to use text translations in Magento 2 but I don't know how to add new ones.

Here is an example on how to use them:

alert($.mage.__('Text to translate here'));
Was it helpful?


OK. I found a solution but it seams ugly to me.
In the layout handle of the page I need I add this:

<referenceContainer name="after.body.start">
    <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="some-name-here" template="[Namespace]_[Module]::translate.phtml"/>

then create the template translate.phtml in [Namespace]/[Module]/view/[frontend|adminhtml]/templates with this content:

$_data = array(
    'Text one to translate' => __('Text one to translate'),
    'Text two to translate' => __('Text two to translate'),
<script type="text/javascript">
    require(["jquery","mage/translate"], function($){
        $.mage.translate.add(<?php echo Zend_Json::encode($_data) ?>)

I really hope there is an other way of doing this.


The default src for the translations in frontend seems to be /app/code/Magento/Translation/view/base/templates/translate.phtml

pointing to this block /app/code/Magento/Translation/Block/Js.php

which has this as dataprovider /app/code/Magento/Translation/Model/Js/DataProvider.php

So you could change the dependency to an own dataprovider, or intercept this one to add own translations, or add an own block of this type with own dataprovider.

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