
I'm playing around with Rhino Mocks and am trying to set some dummy results on my mocked objects so when they are called in my factory methods I don't have to worry about the data.

But I've hit a snag, the methods I want to have the dummy results for are causing exceptions because they aren't virtual.

I've got code like this:

  SetupResult.For(service.SomeMethod()).Return("hello world");

Does the SomeMethod method have to be a virtual to be have a mocked result?

Also, what's the difference between SetupResult.For and Expect.Call?

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Rhino Mocks uses DynamicProxy2 to do it's magic, so you will not be able to set up expectations/results on non-virtual methods.

As for the difference between SetupResult.For, and Expect.Call if you want your test to fail validation if a method is not called, use Expect.Call. If you just want to provide a result from your mock object, and you don't want to fail verification if it is not called, use SetupResult.For

So the following will fail:

    Expect.Call(service.SomeMethod()).Return("you have to run me");

    // Some code that never calls service.SomeMethod()

And this test will not:

    SetupResult.For(service.SomeMethod()).Return("you don't have to run me");

using(mock.Replay()) {
    // Some code that never calls service.SomeMethod()

Does that make sense?

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