
I am using the jQuery Cookie plugin (download and demo and source code with comments) to set and read a cookie. I'm developing the page on my local machine.

The following code will successfully set a cookie in FireFox 3, IE 7, and Safari (PC). But if the browser is Google Chrome AND the page is a local file, it does not work.

$.cookie("nameofcookie", cookievalue, {path: "/", expires: 30});

What I know:

  • The plugin's demo works with Chrome.
  • If I put my code on a web server (address starting with http://), it works with Chrome.

So the cookie fails only for Google Chrome on local files.

Possible causes:

  • Google Chrome doesn't accept cookies from web pages on the hard drive (paths like file:///C:/websites/foo.html)
  • Something in the plugin implentation causes Chrome to reject such cookies

Can anyone confirm this and identify the root cause?

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Chrome doesn't support cookies for local files (or, like Peter Lyons mentioned, localhost*) unless you start it with the --enable-file-cookies flag. You can read a discussion about it at

*Chrome does support cookies if you use the local IP address ( directly. so in the localhost case, that could be an easier workaround.


For local applications use localStorage in Chrome instead:

i had some problem and solved it this terrible solution. using store and cookie plugin together.

<script src="js/jquery.cookies.2.2.0.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.Storage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;

//get cookies
var helpFlag=(is_chrome)?$.Storage.get("helpFlag"):$.cookies.get("helpFlag");

//set cookies
if(is_chrome)$.Storage.set("helpFlag", "1");else $.cookies.set("helpFlag", "1");

I know that this isnt perfect solution but works for me

This did the job for me:

enter image description here

Right click on your Chrome Icon and select Properties, Shortcut tab and add --enable-file-cookies at the last of the target path.

I had the same issue, please try using the IP address of localhost instead. For e.g ""

please check out Cookies & Google Analytics.

$.cookie("nameofcookie", cookievalue, {path: "/", expires: 30});

change this line to

$.cookie("nameofcookie", cookievalue, {*Path:* "/", expires: 30});

this project working is fine.

Another possible cause is the path: "/", since you're not using a normal web URL, / probably doesn't mean much - try without setting the path at all.

If you use chrominum this is the command to enable local cookies

chromium-browser --enable-file-cookies

It's the same thing for chrome

Hope this help you !

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