
In the Grails Doc: It says that adding a unique constraint in a 1:1 is good practise.
So if a face has one nose, we should do:

class Face {
    static hasOne = [nose:Nose]
    static constraints = {
        nose unique: true

But Why? Surely, the constraint is implicit in the cardinality?

So why should we do it?

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The reason for putting the unique constraint is to ensure that two faces don't have the same nose. Since this is a 1:1 relationship the Id of the nose is kept on the face. That's why.


To be sure that only one nose knows the current face.

Without this constraint :

Face face = new Face();
Nose nose1 = new Nose();
face.nose = nose1; true);

Nose nose2 = new Nose();
face.nose = nose2; true); // no error, but in DB, nose1 and nose2 reference the same face_id
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