
I'm working on an Android application and have a view with 3 EditTexts. What I'm trying to achieve is that on a numeric key being pressed in the last one should call the okKey event for that activity. The problem is that for the EditText on which I set the onKeyListener, neither getText nor setText methods work. Allow me to explain:

Suppose I initialize an empty string

String string1 = "";

In my onCreate method, I set the onKeyListener on one of the EditTexts

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Now, if I write the following code in the overriding okKey method

public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode >= KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0 && keyCode <= KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9) {
        string1 += ((EditText) findViewById(;
        string1 += ((EditText) findViewById(;
        string1 += ((EditText) findViewById(;

        ((EditText) findViewById("");
        ((EditText) findViewById("");
        ((EditText) findViewById("");
return false;

Only EditText1 and EditText2 get cleared and the text in EditText3 does not get concatenated to string1. If I replace the condition of the If statement with

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)

then on pressing Enter key (set as Next), it works as expected. I tried to add the setText("") in the onResume method of the activity too but with no difference in the result. I appreciate the time you took to read my question!

Edited: Added the "return false;" at the end of onKey method, I had it in my work but missed putting it in this question, was reminded by Chris's answer.

Was it helpful?


In addition to Chris' answer, a check should be added to insure that event.getAction() is equal to KeyEvent.ACTION_UP; onKey gets called twice, and if getAction() is ACTION_DOWN (first time the method is called), the character won't yet have been added to the CharSequence returned by getText().


When your setting the OnKeyListener your EditText3, your replacing what happens when you hit a key with that. Try return false; at the end of the onKey. This should pass the value to the proper location.


True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.

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