
I have this config in bulidout. (All other info skipped, the \ means same line, just for readability here.)

extensions = mr.developer
auto-checkout = *

media_bundler = git git:// rev=...
M2Crypto.git = git git:// rev=....

This eggs are downloaded and checked out, and built (the .egg folders are created). Also I see in develop_eggs, links to both of them.

M2Crypto then appears in bin/django, but media_bundler does not, and all django commands result in this error message:

$ bin/django runserver
Error: No module named media_bundler

What have I missed in the config?

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Turned out all I needed was to include these packages in eggs. M2Crypto was some other package requirement, that's why it was included. media_bundler is not package name, use django-media-bundler instead. Add these packages in eggs in buildout:eggs section:

eggs =
    django == 1.6.1

and then see their source folders appear in bin/django.

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