
I have a partialview "selectUser". On this partial view a user can search for other users. The user id will be stored in a hidden field or as a var on my view. I need to use this partial view in many places. Lets say I need to return the id of the selected user on the close event of my dialog. My question is, how do I make this partial view, loaded as a modal dialog with jquery ui, to retrun the selected value to its parent view? Is there a way to access the value directly from the parent view?

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I think I follow what you are needing now. So on your button click you do an ajax call back to the server and include the destination field name in the call

     url: "@(Url.Action("Action", "Controller"))",
     type: "POST",
     cache: false,
     async: true,
     data: { destination: 'fieldName' },
     success: function (result) {

On your controller send that field to the partial view through your view model or viewbag and on the partial view put that field name in a hidden field. then in your button click you should be able to do something like this (untested)

function AttachScript(){
    $('.btnSubmit').on('click', function(){
        var data = $('.sharedField').val();

which will set the value of whatever field is named in your hidden field to the data. Hopefully this helps.

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