I'm using the Simplecov gem to output my test coverage and for an odd reason can not get 2 lines in my Rails instance method in my model to be captured. Also, any insight into why Simplecov states that the entire method is covered except for the 2 lines when I have not even included a describe block within my specs would be great as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

def process
  if valid?
    payment = Stripe::Charge.create(amount: amount, currency: "usd",
                                    card: stripe_card, capture: false)

    if (payment[:card][:address_line1_check] &&
        payment[:card][:cvc_check] &&
      charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(payment[:id]) # This line is not captured
      charge.capture # This line is not captured

    self.transaction_number = payment.id


Simplecov is showing you two things:

  1. At least once during the test run, process is called.
  2. At no point during the test run does the condition of the if statement evaluate to a truthy value; consequently, the body of the statement is never reached.

Simplecov doesn't care whether you explicitly created a describe block: Simplecov simply looks at which statements were executed during the test run.

Separately, I don't think the logic of your if condition does what you expect (and using eql? is not very idiomatic).

if (payment[:card][:address_line1_check] &&
    payment[:card][:cvc_check] &&

Each of these values can be one of {nil, "pass", "fail", "unchecked"}. A string value is truthy: "a" && "b" == "b" but nil && "b" == nil. Your code could be executed even if address_line1_check were "fail".

If you want to test that all three values are equal to "pass", this will do it:

if [payment[:card][:address_line1_check],
    payment[:card][:address_zip_check]].all? { |v| v == "pass" }
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