我正在运行SQL Server 2000,我需要从所有DTS对象中导出SQL语句,以便在需要时可以将它们解析并放入Wiki文档中。






我有一个 Python 2.6 脚本(可轻松移植到Python 2.5),可以从任务中转储SQL在已保存为Visual Basic代码的DTS包中。

请参阅ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells的帖子,了解如何将DTS包保存到VB文件。保存VB文件后,在其上运行此功能。它将在与包含包中代码的VB文件相同的位置创建一个文件夹,它将转储它找到的SQL代码。它假定SQL的输出进入CSV文件(参见 outExt 参数)或来自“执行SQL任务”。任务,并在输出文件或SQL任务之后命名SQL查询。如果你的包没有做任何其他事情,这是一个有用的解决方案。


# from __future__ import with_statement  # Version 2.5 requires this.
import os, re

def dump_sql(infile, outExt=r'csv'):
    """Parse a DTS package saved as a .bas file, and dump the SQL code.

    Pull out the SQL code and the filename for each task.  This process
    depends on the way that DTS saves packages as VB modules.

    Keyword arguments:
    infile - The .bas file defining a DTS package.
    outExt - The extension (without a period) of the files exported by the
             data pumps in the DTS package. These are used to rename the
             extracted SQL scripts. If an extract file does not use this
             extension, then the whole name of the extract file is used to
             name the SQL script. (default: csv)

    The function produces a folder in the same folder that contains the
    .bas file. It's named like this: if the .bas file is "DTS package.bas",
    then the directory will be named "DTS package_SQL". The SQL scripts are
    stored in this folder.

    #Declare all of the RE's used in the script here.
    basExtRE = re.compile(r'\.bas, re.IGNORECASE)
    outExtRE = re.compile(r'\.' + outExt + r', re.IGNORECASE)
    startTaskRE = re.compile(r'Set oCustomTask(\d+) = oTask.CustomTask')
    startSqlRE = re.compile(
        r'oCustomTask(\d+)\.(?:Source)?SQLStatement = "(.*)"( & vbCrLf)?')
    nextSqlRE = re.compile(
        r'oCustomTask(\d+)\.(?:Source)?SQLStatement = oCustomTask\1\.'
        r'(?:Source)?SQLStatement & "(.*)"( & vbCrLf)?')
    filenameRE = re.compile(
        r'oCustomTask(\d+)\.DestinationObjectName = "(.*)"')
    descripRE = re.compile(r'oCustomTask(\d+)\.Description = "(.*)"')
    invalidCharsRE = re.compile(r'[][+/*?<>,.;:"=\\|]')

    #Read the file
    with open(infile, 'r') as f:

        #Produce the directory for the SQL scripts.
        outfolder = '%s_SQL\\' % basExtRE.sub('', infile)
        if not os.path.exists(outfolder):

        taskNum = -1
        outfile = ''
        sql = []

        for line in f:
            line = line.rstrip().lstrip()

            if taskNum == -1:
                #Seek the beginning of a task.
                m = startTaskRE.match(line)
                if m is not None:
                    taskNum = int(m.group(1))
            elif line == '' and outfile != '':
                #Save the SQL code to a file.
                if sql:
                    if os.path.exists(outfile):
                    with open(outfile, 'w') as fw:
                        fw.writelines(["%s" % sqlQ for sqlQ in sql])
                    print "%2d - %s" % (taskNum, outfile)
                    print "%2d > No SQL (%s)" % (
                        taskNum, os.path.basename(outfile))
                sql = []
                outfile = ''
                taskNum = -1
                #Acquire SQL code and filename
                m = startSqlRE.match(line)
                if m:
                    #Start assembling the SQL query.
                    tnum, sqlQ, lf = m.groups()
                    assert int(tnum) == taskNum
                    sql = [sqlQ.replace('""', '"')
                           + ('\n' if lf is not None else '')]
                m = nextSqlRE.match(line)
                if m:
                    #Continue assembling the SQL query
                    tnum, sqlQ, lf = m.groups()
                    assert int(tnum) == taskNum
                    sql.append(sqlQ.replace('""', '"')
                               + ('\n' if lf is not None else ''))
                m = descripRE.match(line)
                if m:
                    # Get a SQL output filename from the task's
                    # description.  This always appears near the top of the
                    # task's definition.
                    tnum, outfile = m.groups()
                    assert int(tnum) == taskNum
                    outfile = invalidCharsRE.sub('_', outfile)
                    outfile = "%s%s.sql" % (outfolder, outfile)
                m = filenameRE.match(line)
                if m:
                    # Get a SQL output filename from the task's output
                    # filename.  This always appears near the bottom of the
                    # task's definition, so we overwrite the description if
                    # one was found earlier.
                    tnum, outfile = m.groups()
                    assert int(tnum) == taskNum
                    outfile = os.path.basename(outfile)
                    outfile = outExtRE.sub('', outfile)
                    outfile = "%s%s.sql" % (outfolder, outfile)
    print 'Done.'


有一个带有DTS包对象模型的API。您可以通过此获取SQL文本。在线书籍文档在某种程度上描述了这一点 Here。您可以通过获取对象模型使用示例。将DTS包保存到Visual BASIC文件并查看VB文件对对象模型的作用。


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