What I'm trying to do is create a method to an object which opens a window. In this window I want to output some properties of the object's instance. To do this I created a "Profile" subclass of NSObject, which has an NSWindowController property called "view".

@interface Profile : NSObject {

@property (readwrite, assign) NSWindowController *view;

Since I cannot connect "view" to the window with Interface Builder (or at least I don't know how) I have to do so with the "initWithWindowNibName". So I tried overriding the "Profile"'s init method like this:

-(Profile *)init{
    self = [super init];
        [[self view] initWithWindowNibName:@"Profile"];
    return self;

I don't know whether my approach is correct, fact is when I try showing the window it doesn't appear. Here's how I tried:

Profile *profile = [[Profile alloc] init];
[[profile view] showWindow:self];

Hope you can help :)



Don't you want something like:

@interface Profile:NSObject

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSWindowController *windowController;



- (Profile *)init {
    self = [super init];
    if( !self ) { return nil; }

    self.windowController = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"Profile"];
    return self;


// show window
Profile *profile = [[Profile alloc] init];
[[profile windowController] showWindow:self];

(I'm assuming ARC.)

EDIT: For clarity to the OP, I followed the his property nomenclature, which was to name the NSWindowController property view. It is confusing, though because a NSWindowController is not a view. For clarity to others, I've changed it.

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