(PostgreSQL 8.4) Table "trackingMessages" stores tracking events between mobile devices (tm_nl_mobileid) and fixed devices (tm_nl_fixedId).

CREATE TABLE trackingMessages
  tm_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,           -- PK
  tm_nl_mobileId INTEGER,             -- FK to mobile
  tm_nl_fixedId INTEGER,              -- FK to fixed
  tm_date INTEGER,                    -- Network time
  tm_messageType INTEGER,             -- 0=disconnect, 1=connect
  CONSTRAINT tm_unique_row
    UNIQUE (tm_nl_mobileId, tm_nl_fixedId, tm_date, tm_messageType)

Problem here is that it's possible that the same mobile will connect to the same fixed twice (or more times) subsequently. I don't want to see the subsequent ones, but it's OK to see a mobile connected to a same fixed at a later date, provided there was a connection to a different fixed in between.

I think I'm close but not quite. I've been using the following CTE (found here on Stack Overflow)

WITH cte AS 
  SELECT tm_nl_fixedid, tm_date, Row_number() OVER (
    partition BY tm_nl_fixedid
    ORDER BY tm_date ASC
  ) RN 
  FROM   trackingMessages
  WHERE tm_nl_mobileid = 150 AND tm_messagetype = 1
  ORDER BY tm_date;

Gives me the following results


The problem here is that the last column should be 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, because that third "32" is in fact a duplicate tracking event (twice in a row at the same fixed) and that last connection to "21" is OK because "32" was in between.

Please don't suggest a cursor, this is what I am currently trying to move away from. The cursor solution does work, but it's too slow given the amount of records I have to deal with. I'd much rather fix the CTE and only select where RN = 1 ... unless you have a better idea!



Well, you're not that close because row_number() cannot track sequences by two groups at the same time. PARTITION BY tm_nl_fixedid ORDER BY date RESTART ON GAP does not exist, there's no such thing.

Itzik Ben-Gan has a solution for the islands and gaps problem you are facing (several solutions, actually). The idea is to order rows by the main criteria (date) and then by partitioning criteria + main criteria. Difference between ordinals will remain the same as they belong to the same partitioning criteria and date series.

with cte as
  select *,
      -- While order by date and order by something-else, date
      -- run along, they belong to the same sequence
         row_number() over (order by tm_date)
       - row_number() over (order by tm_nl_fixedid, tm_date) grp
    from trackingMessages
select *,
    -- Now we can get ordinal number grouped by each sequence
       row_number() over (partition by tm_nl_fixedid, grp
                          order by tm_date) rn
  from cte
 order by tm_date

Here is Sql Fiddle with example.

And here is chapter 5 of Sql Server MVP Deep Dives with several solutions to islands and gaps problem.


This should be simpler with the window function lag():

WITH cte AS (
         ,lag(tm_nl_fixedId) OVER (PARTITION BY tm_nl_mobileId
                                   ORDER BY tm_date) AS last_fixed
   FROM   trackingmessages
FROM   cte
WHERE  last_fixed IS DISTINCT FROM tm_nl_fixedId
ORDER  BY tm_date


  • In the CTE, lag() gets the last fixed device to which a mobile connected (NULL for the first row per mobile - that's why I use IS DISTINCT FROM later, see a different approach here).

  • Then simply exclude all rows where the last fixed device was the same as this one, thereby excluding all "subsequent ones". All done.

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