I am working on a sample map application using Flex 4/fxg? Now I have got FXG paths held in Group elements with id's( I have assigned path's id's to the corresponding group container)? But when I click anywhere in the map, I do not get the clicked group as target/currentTarget in event handler. How to determine which element is clicked?

Code sample:

<Graphic xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
         version="2.0" viewWidth="1425" viewHeight="1140">

            <view:GraphicItem id="CityofLondon">
                <Path data="path data" winding="evenOdd">
                        <SolidColor color="#FEFEE9" alpha="1"/>
                        <SolidColorStroke color="#646464" alpha="1" weight="2" miterLimit="10" joints="round" caps="round"/>
            <view:GraphicItem id="BarkingandDagenham">
                <Path data="path data" winding="evenOdd">
                        <SolidColor color="#FEFEE9" alpha="1"/>
                        <SolidColorStroke color="#646464" alpha="1" weight="2" miterLimit="10" joints="round" caps="round"/>

GraphicItem is Group container.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



I asked a similar question, and it is answered here:

Flex Path - capturing Click event

Had to set the mouseEnabledWhereTransparent="false" to a Group, and add the FXG path to that group.

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