Why can't I define an Interface in an idl file and then have a CoClass derive it in a library block within the same file when I am deriving said Interface from an Interface that I have defined in another Proxy Server project?

] interface IMyInterfaceB: IMyInterfaceA
    [id(1), helpstring("")]
    HRESULT NewMethod();

 helpstring("Type Library 1.00"),
library MyLibrary

        helpstring("My Class")
    coclass CMyClass
        interface IMyInterfaceA;
        //interface IMyInterfaceB; /* error when I remove rem */


1>midl\oleaut32.dll : error MIDL2020: error generating type library : LayOut failed : IMyInterfaceB (0x800288C6



As Hans Passant pointed out I shouldn't pick GUID's, the generator should be used to generate them. Although this wasn't the problem it was similar in nature. I wasn't following a proper ID schema when defining my interfaces as until now it hadn't been important.

I guess I will be rereading the appropriate section in COM Programming w/ Microsoft .NET. I found the reason when I tried out the error look-up tool for the first time, having exposed its existence by turning on Visual Studios Advanced Mode feature.

Lessons Learned :/



You need use different values of id attributes in the base and inherited interfaces.

User "vpp" was right on with this one. I just experienced this error myself when trying to make a new interface inheriting from another so I could overload one of the methods. I copy and pasted the entire thing from the original interface but didn't change the "id(1)" part to be a new unique number so I was also receiving "error MIDL2020: error generating type library : LayOut failed"

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