I'm writing a C++ iMacro script that will login to a website, go to a particular page, and look for a checkbox. If the checkbox does not exist then the script will refresh the page every X seconds. If the checkbox does exist then it will select it. Basically I just to need figure out how to get iMacro to search for the checkbox. Here's my code so far:

using namespace System;
#include <string>

int timeout = 60;
ref class ManagedGlobals {
    static iMacros::AppClass^ app;

// test if element exists
bool doesElementExist() {
    iMacros::Status stat;
    ManagedGlobals::app->iimDisplay("Searching for element", timeout);
    stat = ManagedGlobals::app->iimPlay("CODE:SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1\n"
        + "CODE:TAG POS=8 TYPE=INPUT:CHECKBOX FORM=ACTION:/pls/PROD/bwykfreg.P_AltPin1?deviceType=C ATTR=NAME:sel_crn EXTRACT=TXT", timeout);
    ManagedGlobals::app->iimDisplay(stat.ToString(), timeout);
    ManagedGlobals::app->iimPlay("CODE:WAIT SECONDS=10", timeout);
    if (stat != iMacros::Status::sOk) {
        ManagedGlobals::app->iimDisplay("Didn't find it", timeout);
        return false;
    ManagedGlobals::app->iimDisplay("Found it", timeout);
    return true;

I've tested this out on the page, the checkbox DOES exist but the script is unable to find it and instead returns error code -1100 which according to this page it means Load Failed: Failed to load the macro (syntax or I/O error) (Found wrong macro command while loading file).

Anyone know what the problem is?



Try to remove this part.


This part can be changeable on the page but it's not needed for TAG to find the element. Also try to change position of checkbox by changing POS=8 . Start from number 1 to 15 and see does that number change too.

Also you might want to change this

stat = ManagedGlobals::app->iimPlay("CODE:SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1\n"
        + "CODE:TAG POS=8 TYPE=INPUT:CHECKBOX FORM=ACTION:/pls/PROD/bwykfreg.P_AltPin1?deviceType=C ATTR=NAME:sel_crn EXTRACT=TXT", timeout);

into this

stat = ManagedGlobals::app->iimPlay("CODE:SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1\n"
        + "TAG POS=8 TYPE=INPUT:CHECKBOX ATTR=NAME:sel_crn EXTRACT=TXT", timeout);

CODE: can appear only once inside one macro. \n is used to split command lines.

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