How to integrate Kibana with Apache solr instead of using elastic search.

If it cannot be done.

What are the alternatives to Kibana for Solr



At LucidWorks, we have ported Kibana to work with Solr and released it as open source.

If you want a bundled package, you can download that at

Our port for Kibana for Solr is bundled with Solr 4.7.0 and can be used as a query engine to build dashboards from indexes within the bundled Solr instance and/or located on other Solr instances.

The source code is available at

We have also included Solr Output Writer for LogStash with that bundle; however, you can use any ETL and indexing mechanism to get time series data into Solr. Links to this github repository are available on the LucidWorks link above.


HUE is an alternative search UI for Solr, while it is not good as Kibana for search at the moment.

You can use SiLK for sure but you are better off using the fully integrated dashboards module that comes with Lucidworks Fusion. Fusion will save you a ton of time and make it easier to focus on the search stuff that matters - like building a recommender engine, creating data-driven user experience, driving data enrichment with entity recognition and integrating with Big Data software like Hadoop.

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