In a custom validation directive I ensure that the entered value does not conflict with others in the database. If it does, I would like to tell the user not only that there's a conflict, but also the name of the item it is conflicting with.

Storing these details in the scope would probably work, but doesn't seem right to me at all. Is there a better way?


  .directive('conflictcheck', function (myServer) {
    return {
      require: 'ngModel',
      link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
        ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) {
          var conflict = myServer.getConflict(viewValue);
          if (!conflict) {
            ctrl.$setValidity('conflictcheck', true);
            return viewValue;
          } else {
            ctrl.$setValidity('conflictcheck', false);

            // pass additional info regarding the conflict here

            return undefined;


<form name="myform" action="#">
  <input ng-model="foo" conflictcheck />
  <div ng-if="$error.conflictcheck">
     Error: Foo conflicts with XXXXXXXX!


Validation errors are handled by FormController so it's reasonable to keep all validation-related data inside the form object itself. This could be implemented by attaching arbitrary data to myform instance:

app.factory('myServer', function(){
  return {
    getConflict: function(viewValue){
      var comparedAgainst = '';
      if(viewValue === comparedAgainst){
        return comparedAgainst;

  .directive('conflictcheck', function (myServer) {
    return {
      require: ['ngModel', '^form'],
      link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrls) {
        var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0];
        var ngFormCtrl = ctrls[1];

        ngModelCtrl.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) {
          // getConflict returns conflicting value
          var conflict = myServer.getConflict(viewValue);

          if (!conflict) {
            ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('conflictcheck', true);
            return viewValue;
          } else {
            ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('conflictcheck', false);
            // We attach validation-specific data to arbitrary data property
   = {
              conflictcheck: conflict

            return undefined;
<form name="myform" novalidate>
  <input ng-model="foo" name="foo" conflictcheck />
  <div ng-show="$error.conflictcheck">
   Error: Foo conflicts with {{}}!


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