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Top Twenty Sites with Free High Resolution Images

Web ServicesWebsiteComputers

Finding high-quality images which adds visual interest is a daunting task. The major reason as to why photos have become so significant in recent times is because the web pages which include good photos usually get better engagement when shared on social sites like Facebook and Twitter.

All those individuals whose job is to find free images online each day, for them smart move would be having image directory. A free image directory will offer them to have easy and quick access to pictures which not only are relevant but are of high quality and will help in adding more meaning, eloquence to their message.

How to Download High-Quality Images for Free?

  • Unsplash.com − It is one of the most favorite website for downloading high-resolution photographs. The users by subscribing to the email newsletter, they will get about ten photos in their inbox every ten days. All the images are under creative common license available in the public domain, they can use as per their preference.
  • Publcidomainarchive.com  − This site consists of impressive online repository of public domain images, which are neatly organized in categories. Even though the collection is limited now, it contains high-quality photos.
  • Flickr.com − The national library belonging to the UK which has uploaded more than million vintage photos as well as scanned images to Flickr, currently is in public domain, which can be used by all for free.
  • Pixabay − All the images available on the site are under CCO license, hence they can use anywhere. Similar to Flickr, there exists an option to browse photographs by camera model also.
  • Commons.wikimedia.org − This site hosts more than twenty one million images in the public domain or under some kind of free license. These images are arranged in different categories wherein one can find images through search keywords.
  • Picjubmo − One can find high-quality images on this site which can be used both for personal and commercial purpose. These images are usually shot by the site owners, they do not charge but in return they desire proper attribution.
  • Life of Pix − It offers high-resolution images for free with no copyright restrictions. Each week new photos are added so that users can have an array of choices.
  • Getrefe − All those users who are looking for pictures having different point of view, they can visit this site and they will offer free mobile photos.
  • Freeimages.com − It is one of the biggest repositories of graphics and free images, which can be used for almost any purpose. The users are required to sign-in in order to download the images.
  • Little Visual − The owner of this particular site had passed away and hence no longer you will get new pictures, but all photos which have been posted during his lifetime were released under CCO public domain dedication.
  • Negative space − Each week 20 new photos are released under CCO. These photos can be sorted based on color, copy space and category.
  • Spiltshire − Here, you can find collection of free stock photos by Daniel Nanescu, web designer. These photos can be used for both personal and commercial use.
  • Pdpics.com − Thousands of images which are royalty free are available for both personal as well as commercial projects with attribution. The images found on this site are all clicked by in-house photographers; it is not mere curate content.
  • Freephotosbank.com − On this site, it is comparatively easy to download photos, they tend to focus much on abstract shots, landscape, architecture, patterns and backgrounds. The users need not create an account.
  • Blogphoto.tv − Numerous images can be found, but the disadvantage is a loose image restriction applies. This site offers resources which include article planners, templates in order to grow your digital footprint. In addition, users can find articles published weekly as well as live interactive shows with media mogul to make them outstanding at whatever they are trying to achieve.
  • Sxc.hu − Here, the users can find a massive selection of images covering a large spectrum which include events, abstract, architecture etc. The users can share photos whenever and however they desire. Sorting could be sometimes difficult.
  • Devian Art − More than 30 million registered users are there on this site, it is leading the community in free image online communities. One can find a wealth of hhigh-resolutionphotos.
  • Getty Images − This site might be probably the largest place wherein the users can find free images online. In a single month, they upload nearing 35 million photos; they take pride in the wonderful collection of images of people and capture varied activities perfectly. The users, who wish to get the picture, should click on the icon and then they required to paste the code onto their target page.
  • Gratisography.com − The users for high quality images having no image restrictions, they should visit this site. These high resolution pictures are clicked by Ryan McGuire. The images are found on a single page rather than group, need to scroll down the pages and the users pick the image which would fulfill their needs. The users are not required to credit the owner.
  • Picsearch.com − It offers CC images, royalty free. All those who do not know, what they need, it is a useful search engine. It helps the users search by indexing pages.

How to Avoid Common Photos?

The users might have found a good photo which is perfect for their project but there exists a probability that numerous other sites might be using the same image. In this case, they need to do a reverse image search in order to estimate the relative popularity of that particular image on the internet.

Published on 16-Jan-2020 10:26:36
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