
I have a Rails 3 application using Devise for authentication.
In addition to the manual authentication using email, I also have a facebook connect that allows a single sign-in using facebook.
The next step is linkedin connect. Is there a simple way to integrate linkedin API call to devise?
(The naive approach of defining
config.oauth :linkedin, 'MY_APP_ID','MY_APP_SECRET',
:site => '',
:authorize_path => '/uas/oauth/authorize',
:access_token_path => '/uas/oauth/accessToken'
in the config/initializers/devise.rb resulted in "An Authorization Token was not supplied" error message from linkedin).


Update: Thanks for the (incredibly) fast replies. I was hoping not to have to change my application to add the linkedin authentication, by using omniauth or a similiar solution. However, I now see that the linkedin response doesn't return the email - which is the used as the primary key for my users, and hence I cannot use the authentication the way I use facebook (In Ryan's solution he allows to define the email separately if not returned from twitter, but it's not good enough for my purposes).

Another Update: Devise now has omniauth support, and it is working nicely. Checkout this link.

Outras dicas

Check out the OmniAuth railscast for an awesome tutorial on how to integrate Facebook Connect with devise. Good luck!

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