
I would like to use asctime to assign the time to a string.

time_t rawtime;
time ( &rawtime );
vector<string> TTime;
TTime = asctime(localtime ( &rawtime ));

I understand asctime is returning a pointer to a string. Would i have to create my own string and assign it the return value of asctime, or is there a simpler way?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can construct a string directly from a char *:

string str = asctime(localtime ( &rawtime ));

This doesn't make sense:

TTime = asctime(localtime ( &rawtime ));

You can't assign a single string to a vector of strings. What you can do is:

TTime[0] = asctime(localtime ( &rawtime ));

다른 팁

Looks like what you need is a simple string,

std::string TTime(asctime(localtime(&rawtime)));

The function asctime() return char* and the std::string can construct from char*

std::string time(asctime(localtime(&rawtime)));


std::string time; time = asctime(asctimer(localtimer(&rawtime)));

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