
Ok, voy a publicar el código para las tres clases ya que no es demasiado largo.

package guiDemonstration;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;

public class TabbedGUI {
    //create fields
    private JFrame frame;
    private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;

    //make the following three labels public for access in the GUIEngine class
    private JLabel comboLabel; 
    private JLabel sliderLabel; 
    private JLabel radioLabel; 
    private JSlider slider;
    private JComboBox combo;
    private JPanel comboPanel, sliderPanel, radioPanel;
    private String []comboArray;
    private JRadioButton radio, radio1, radio2;
    private ButtonGroup buttonGroup;

    private String comboText = "Please Make a Choice";
    private String sliderText = "Move the Slider";
    private String radioText = "Choose a Radio Button";

    //Create field to hold GUIEngine Class
    GUIEngine engine;

    // empty constructor
    public TabbedGUI(){

    //method used to construct the gui
    private void makeFrame(){
        //create the Frame
        frame = new JFrame("Example of a Tabbed GUI");

        //set the initial size of the frame in pixels
        frame.setSize(500, 200);
        //add the frame to the contentPane
        Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();

        //create an instance of the GUIEngine class
        engine = new GUIEngine();

       //create an array of size 3 to be used as dropdown values in the combobox
        comboArray = new String[3];

        //initialise the array
        comboArray[0] = "First Choice";
        comboArray[1] = "Second Choice";
        comboArray[2] = "Third Choice";

        //create instance of JComboBox and add array
        combo = new JComboBox(comboArray);

        //create instance of JSlider
        slider = new JSlider();

        //creat instance of Button Group
        // this ButtonGroup will hold the individual radio buttons
        buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();

        radio = new JRadioButton();
        radio1 = new JRadioButton();
        radio2 = new JRadioButton();

        //create instances of JPanel
        comboPanel = new JPanel();
        sliderPanel= new JPanel();
        radioPanel = new JPanel();

        //create flowlayout for comboPanel
        comboPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        //create instances of labels
        comboLabel = new JLabel(comboText);
        sliderLabel=new JLabel(sliderText);
        radioLabel = new JLabel(radioText);

        //add radio buttons to the group

        //add a border to the button group

        //begin creation of the tabbed GUI and add to contentPane
        tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();


        //add instances of JPanel to each tab
        tabbedPane.addTab("Combo Box", comboPanel);
        tabbedPane.addTab("Slider", sliderPanel);
        tabbedPane.addTab("Radio", radioPanel);

        //add components to each JPanel of each tab

        //set a border around the Slider
                BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 1, Color.BLUE));

        // call the method to add the listeners to each component

        //by default the frame is set to invisible. Set the frame to visible

     * This method adds listeners to each component
    public void addListeners(){

        //add actionListeners to each component

        combo.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

        slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener(){
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){

        radio.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

        radio1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

        radio2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

     * The following three methods set the text for each
     * label on the three individual tabs.
     * These methods are called from the GUIEngine Class.

    //set the text on the comboLabel
    public void setComboLabel(){
        String updatedComboText = (String)combo.getSelectedItem();
        //System.out.println("You selected" + comboText);

    //set the text on the sliderLabel
    public void setSliderLabel(){
        sliderLabel.setText("You've moved the slider!");

    //set the text on the radioLabel
    public void setRadioLabel(){
        System.out.println("You've selected a radio button!");

     * This method is used to begin execution of the program
    public void runProgram(){

Clase 2:

package guiDemonstration;

public class GUIEngine {

    TabbedGUI tg;

    public GUIEngine(){
        tg = new TabbedGUI();

    public void useCombo(){
        //System.out.println("You Used the Combo Box");

    public void useSlider(){

    public void useRadioButtons(){
        //System.out.println("You clicked a radio button");

Y sólo el principal método:

package guiDemonstration;

public class Controller {
     * #This is the main method where program execution begins
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TabbedGUI tg = new TabbedGUI();

Los JComboBox y JSlider causar errores de tiempo de ejecución. El código se compila bien, pero cuando muevo el JSlider o seleccione un elemento en el JComboBox, el programa se bloquea.

¿Alguna idea?


¿Fue útil?


Su GUIEngine es la creación de su propia instancia de la TabbedGUI en lugar de utilizar la instancia que se crea en el método principal.

Si necesita mantener a la clase GUIEngine alrededor, sugeriría hacer esto en makeFrame


motor = new GUIEngine (this);

A continuación, cambiar el constructor GUIEngine a tomar en un TabbedGUI como un parámetro. También podría hacer que la instancia última variable también.

Otros consejos

sliderLabel.setText("You've moved the slider!");

que está causando una NullPointerException que significa que sliderLabel no se ha creado todavía. Asegúrese de que lo haga:

sliderLabel = new JLabel()

antes de la llamada a setSliderLabel

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