
Been poking around google and haven't found any like what I'm after. so what is it I'm after? well two things:

  • firstly I'm looking for an algorithm/pseudo-code/white-papers to determine a best-fit color for a give r,g,b tuple from and array of 256 RGB tuples.

  • Secondly, I'm looking for an algorithm/pseudo-code/white-papers to recolor a 8bit palette image(using the above RGB palette) to either a given Hue/Saturation or by r,g,b channel modification. also would be nice if it was possible to add a fix for gamma and artifacting pixels in the colorization as well.

anyone got any hints/pointers/tips as to where I might find such a thing(I know they must exist, else a few of photoshops functions wouldn't)

UPDATE: here is a basic euclidean distance RGB to palette index finder:

uint_8 __stdcall GFXUTIL_GetNearestPaletteIndex(const uint_8* pPalette, size_t nSize, uint_8 nRed, uint_8 nGreen, uint_8 nBlue)
    if(pPalette == NULL)
        return 0;

    int nDistance = -1;
    size_t nIndex = 0, nFoundIndex = 0;
    while(nIndex < nSize)
        int nDistRed = pPalette[0] - nRed;
        int nDistGreen = pPalette[1] - nGreen;
        int nDistBlue = pPalette[2] - nBlue;
        int nCurrentDistance = (nDistRed * nDistRed) + (nDistGreen * nDistGreen) + (nDistBlue * nDistBlue);
        if(nCurrentDistance < nDistance)
            nFoundIndex = nIndex;
            nDistance = nCurrentDistance;

        pPalette += sizeof(uint_32);

    return nFoundIndex;
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See for how to calculate distances between colors so that human eye sensitivity is taken into account.


If you want it faster than linear search, then check out VP-tree or KD-tree.

If you want it perceptually accurate, then do the search in Lab color space.

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