
I've read a bunch of posts regarding redirecting std::cout to stringstreams, but I'm having problem reading the redirected string.

std::stringstream redirectStream;
std::cout.rdbuf( redirectStream.rdbuf() );

std::cout << "Hello1\n";
std::cout << "Hello2\n";

while(std::getline(redirectStream, str))
  // This does not work - as the contents of redirectStream 
  // do not include the '\n' - I only see "Hello1Hello2"

I need to pick out the new lines within the initial output - can anyone enlighten me as to how to do that?


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Works fine for me:
Note: the std::getline() reads the line (but not the '\n' character, the line terminator is thrown away after each line is read). But the loop will be entered once for each line.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    std::stringstream   redirectStream;
    std::streambuf*     oldbuf  = std::cout.rdbuf( redirectStream.rdbuf() );

    std::cout << "Hello1\n";
    std::cout << "Hello2\n";

    std::string str;
    while(std::getline(redirectStream, str))
        fprintf(stdout,"Line: %s\n",str.c_str());
        // loop enter once for each line.
        // Note: str does not include the '\n' character.

    // In real life use RAII to do this. Simplified here for code clarity.

Note: you need to put the old stream-buffer back in std::cout. Once the stringstream 'redirectStream' goes out of scope its buffer will be destroyed leaving std::cout pointing at an invalid stream-buffer. Since std::cout lives longer than 'redirectStream' you need to make sure that std::cout does not access an invalid object. Thus the easiest solution is to put back the old buffer.


Thanks for the response. I can kind of see what I've done wrong. Because I stripped out a lot of code to simplify my issue, yes I did actually post a working version! It seems my actual logic was the problem:

// Basically... 
std::string str; 
std::stringstream redirectstream; 
// perform the redirection... 
// ... 

while (!done)
  while(std::getline(redirectStream, str)) 
    // stuff... 
  std::cout << "Hello1\n"; 
  std::cout << "Hello2\n"; 

It appears that the getline() function no longer appears to be valid in this situation. Can you please explain this?

I realize this is a completely different problem now and I apologize for misleading with a bad initial post.

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